Editorial and Advisory Board

Editor in Chiefs

Rukuye AYLAZ Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey

Zeliha CENGİZ,  Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey

Associate Editor

Kevser IŞIK, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Faculty of Heath Sciences, Malatya, Turkey

Language Editor

Savaş Aydın, Lecturer., İnönü University, School of Foreign Language, Malatya, Turkey

Biostatistic Editor

Feyza İnceoğlu,  Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.,  Turgut Özal  University, Faculty of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey

Technical Editor

Gürkan Özden, Assistant . Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey

Editorial Staff 

Fidan Balkaya, Research Assistant, MsC., Inonu University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey (Receiving)

Fatma Melike ERKAN, Research Assistant, MsC., Inonu University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey (Reference Checking)

Züleyha Gürdap, Research Assistant, PhD., Inonu University, Faculty of Nursing, Malatya, Turkey (Layout)

Editorial Advisory Board

Ayfer AYDIN, Prof., PhD.,  İstanbul University, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Ayişe KARADAĞ,  Prof., PhD., Koç University, Fundamentals of Nursing

Ayşe BELİN ÖZER,  Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Ayşegül BİLGE,  Prof., PhD., Ege University, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing

Emine GEÇKİL,  Prof., PhD., Necmettin Erbakan University, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Emriye Hilal YAYAN, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Emine YILMAZ, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.,  İnönü University, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing

Erman YILDIZ, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing

Filiz ÖZDEMİR, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Funda BUDAK, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing

Gönül DÜZGÜN, Assistant . Prof., Ph.D., İzmir Tınaztepe University, Geriatric Nursing

Gülendam KARADAĞ, Prof., PhD., Dokuz Eylül University, Public Health Nursing

Gülsen GÜNEŞ, Prof., PhD., Yüksek İhtisas University, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health

Hakan PARLAKPINAR, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Medical Pharmacology

Hakime ASLAN, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Fundamentals of Nursing

Handan ZİNCİR, Prof., PhD., Erciyes University, Public Health Nursing

Hatice Birgül CUMURCU, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Mental Health and Diseases

Hatice OLTULUOĞLU, Assistant Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Fundamentals of Nursing

Hülya KARATAŞ, Prof., PhD., Harran University, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Kadriye KAHVECİ, Prof., PhD., Ankara City Hospital, Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Karıma ELSHAMY, Ph.D., Mansoura University, Egypt Faculty of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing

Leman ACUN DELEN,  Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Malatya Education and Research Center, Anesthesia and Reanimation

Marie Chantal DURİER, Ph.D., Nursıng Institute Le Vinatier, Cadre supérieur de santé at Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier France

Miguel Antonio SÁNCHEZ-CÁRDENAS, Prof., PhD., Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia School of Nursing, Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia

Medet KORKMAZ, Prof., PhD., İnönü University,Internal Medicine Nursing

Meral ÖZKAN, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Surgical Diseases Nursing

Murat BIÇAKÇIOĞLU, Assistant Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Naile BİLGİLİ, Prof., PhD., Gazi University, Public Health Nursing

Nimet OVAYOLU, Prof., PhD., SANKO University, Internal Medicine Nursing

Papatya KARAKURT, Prof., PhD., Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Fundamentals of Nursing

Rabia HACIHASANOĞLU AŞILAR, Prof., PhD., Yalova University, Public Health Nursing

Rabiye GÜNEY, Prof., PhD., University of Health Sciences, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Seher TANRIVERDİ, Assistant Prof., Ph.D., Mardin Artuklu University, Surgical Diseases Nursing

Selma ÖNCEL, Prof., PhD., Akdeniz University, Public Health Nursing

Serap PARLAR KILIÇ, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Internal Medicine Nursing

Sinan ASLAN,  Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.,  Batman University, Public Health Nursing

Türkinaz AŞTI, Prof., PhD., Bezmialem Vakıf University, Department of Nursing

Ulviye GÜNAY, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., İnönü University, Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Zeynep Ayfer AYTEMUR, Prof., PhD., İnönü University, Internal Medicine, Chest Diseases


*Sorted alphabetically by name.